As I am looking at the calender looking at the weeks pass me by- counting down the days, hours, minutes until I am back home in Fitchburg I have realized it is a bitter-sweet ending. Sweet that I will see friends, family and Rollie-bear but bitter in the sense that a semester is not enough time to accomplish all that Europe has to offer a 21 year old single free-bird.
As I look at cheap flights to London, Paris, Amsterdam, Prague..the list goes on...I wonder if I will be able to see everything I had planned to see since day one of being accepted to this program. Nope, I didn't get to see nearly a tenth of what I had hoped to conquer!! The thought of being a college dropout and just filling my backpack and running seems more and more enticing with each day that passes. You can't get that in the States, the different languages and cultures that are so interesting and bright and colorful (no, Main st does NOT count by any means).
Is the business world really the right step for me? Should I reconsider my future and just throw away the last 3 years of my life on a world of adventure and vine swinging in the Amazon? Wouldn't climbing mountains in Chile or biking through China be more life rewarding than sitting behind a desk convincing some corporate tight pants where to spend their money? I thought I loved the idea of money and nice cars and a barn full of horses some day, but is that all really necessary?
I hate trying to prove to Professors that I am smarter than I seem by acing tests and writing bullshit papers that won't ever help me in the corporate world, heck I'm a hands-on person! What was I thinking choosing business over something cool like Adventure Education or Archaeology or a friggin CIA agent? These were all dreams I had and then somehow I ended up with Marketing?! What on Earth was I thinking...Although I do love winning and business is the only way to get ahead these days.
The short adventures I've had throughout my short time in Ireland has only given my the Travel Bug, and boy did it bite me hard! I am going to go crazy when I finally get home and realize there's no where for me to go except the 'Burg or occasional weekend in Plymouth. These short weekends away in different worlds have only been teasers, I haven't gotten the full taste of the world yet and I don't want to stop until I've seen it all.
I was blessed to have been able to partake in this adventure Ireland had to offer, while contributing to my education. But I have to put some light on my family, friends and professors who helped me and encouraged me to push through the paperwork and endless phone calls to get to this wonderful country. So THANKS everyone, you all know who you are.
I suppose this life will always be bitter-sweet; Sweet that I'll always have a place to call home and return to and Bitter that I'll have to leave my 2nd home with a return date: unknown.
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