Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Things I CANNOT wait for when I get home!

  1. adventures with #1
  2. moneyyy
  3. christmas
  4. new years
  5. BARS!!
  6. family
  7. christmas eve...food and the yankee swap!
  8. full fridge
  9. american cereak brands
  10. REAL cheeseburgers
  11. wendy's frostys and fries
  12. denny's date nights with tjmaxx crew <3
  13. ice skating in boston
  14. parents
  15. geoff too...i guess
  16. ROLLIE!! and HENRY!!
  17. MY CAR!!
  18. beach...maybe a tan if i'm lucky
  19. snowboarding
  20. snowmobilling
  21. sleddddddinggggg
  22. o'connors
  23. normal chips
  24. cheetos (i've had the biggest craving for them lately!)
  25. REESE'S!!!!
  26. proper haircut
  27. pedicures
  28. hiking
  29. nature hikes
  30. coolige park with bailey
  31. late night beers with daddy
  32. bonfires!
  33. s'mores with alyssa =] and banana boats!
  34. sarah landry's sarcasm
  35. hibachi with mallory brideau
  36. walks to the farm
  37. The Hill in general
  38. MY BED!
  39. heat and hot water
  40. country concerts with #1
  41. amy boucher's hugs
  42. cousin-time
  43. finally being LEGAL to do something FUN!
  44. visits to plym

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