Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Care Package and Updates

Got another package yesterday from Mom and Dad! Had lots of goodies in it; cookies and a few cards. It was nice getting it after a long day of classes and running around! Thanks!

Tonight we had a meeting for our excursion this Saturday. We're going to the Connemara and taking a "off the beaten track" route with our program advisor, Finn. She has a PhD in Zoology and is overall a very happy person to be around. She likes to make everyone feel welcome and she's good with pushing people out of their comfort zones. It's an all day tour but we're going to be hiking and climbing things if the weather is good. We were told to bring extra socks in case we fall into a bog or something else. We were also told that there is going to be A LOT of sheep, so bring our cameras for that "perfect" shot haha.

Classes have been going okay for now. Nothing major has happened and I am still waiting to hear back about my microeconomics course (the only one I really need). I will know later on this week, hope all goes well. Other than that classes have been classes. Everyone I have is a lecture hall with over 100 students. I'm not really used to this but it's been okay. The business classes are kind of fast but classes are shorter here (50 min) so professors have a lot to fit in a short amount of time.

Tonight is going to be a slow night for me. Last night was a friend's birthday and we were out kind of late. Tonight is another "PARTY!" night but I still haven't gotten used to going out during the week. I wonder if I will get used to it...hopefully not because we still go out on weekends! I want to start planning some weekend trips soon. Flights vary with prices so I guess you have to hit it at the right time and hope for the best!


  1. Have fun on your hike! Take lots of cute sheep pics :) I'll keep my fingers crossed for microeconomics for you.

  2. I didn't get microeconomics! I am so mad about it and the school doesn't even had a legitimate reason for me not being able to take it. And the professor of the class said I could take it! So now I have to see if I can take it this winter because it is a pre-req for the rest of my business courses.
