Monday, September 6, 2010

First Day of Classes

Today was my first "official" day of classes. But NUIGs version of first days of classes consist of running around putting a schedule together and having COMPLETE MAYHEM for everyone! I was only given a timetable (set of classes) for business 3rd year students which is considered 4th year students at NUIG. I was very confused because back home in the states students are allowed to take a wide range of classes from different majors and levels as long as the pre-reqs match up. Well this wasn't the case here. Caitlyn and I walked from department to department asking questions and talking to some really nice people and some really hurried people. Unfortunately I needed certain classes to fill requirements through FSU but those requirements are for younger level courses or were held in the spring semester only; Consumer Behavior, Action Marketing and some various English courses. I was able to find the one I absolutely needed but the secretary who helped me didn't give me all the details. When I told her my concerns she pushed it off like I wasn't worth the time because the class I needed is considered a 1st year course and I am currently a head in my junior year of college. But with a little help from my study abroad advisor from FSU everything has slowly been falling into place! Thanks Heather!

So for now I have a tentative schedule that ranges from 9am classes to classes ending at 6 at night. But I am happy with what I have got so that I can have the day to get things done and still have my night to get the fun things done!

Surprisingly I do not miss home as much as I thought I would. Of course I miss my bed and talking to my family and eating food I like, but right now I am content with being far away. It's not that I was trying to run away from home, I needed a much needed break to explore other cultures and get a better sense of myself. Our other roommate moved in last night and she is WONDERFUL! Absolutely the nicest person in the world. She is Irish and lives about 3 hours north of here I believe. We talked all night and asked questions about each others' cultures ranging from school, boys, dating and part-time jobs. She seems to be a fun outgoing person which means we will all fit in just fine with each other. She helped us understand their culture a little more and wasn't offended by any other the odd questions we had for her, she answered them happily and kept the conversation going.

The weather has been drizzly all day and I just took a short power nap which I think only added to my tiredness. It is 5:00 pm here but I think at home it is about noon. I keep missing everyone on facebook chats and skype! LOL I don't even know how to use skype so I guess it won't be a big problem. Another thing I have noticed in beautiful Galway are the wonderful people that live here! I have heard rumors that not everyone likes Americans, etc. But our roommate seemed happy she was stuck with us and going out to the pubs, men and women are both very engaging in conversation. I can't remember the last time I was able to walk up to a group of people in Fitchburg and have a decent conversation. It seems there is a lot of judging by the cover and unfriendliness (which i often fall in to) but here it is completely different. The men we met the other night from Dublin were wonderful people. I felt confident walking up to them and just saying Hi! They immediately started talking and we were exchanging life stories and opening up to each other completely. The change in culture is both very refreshing and eye opening. I am starting to look at people in a new way and I am more confident with the way I act. At home I am often told I am too bold with what I say, etc. But the last few days I have been told different. It feels good knowing that you fit in almost immediately in a strange new place.

I am looking forward to my next few months here in Galway and I hope things keep staying positive!

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your posts! They make me want to drop everything and come to Ireland right now! I'm glad you're having such a good time. It's great that your new roommate can provide some insight into the Irish culture...does she have a wonderful accent too??!! :)
